Monday, February 20, 2012

Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Fiance

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On Christmas, you may want to select some gifts that very special for your fiancé. But whether or not you have a good size budget, it's still not easy to find the perfect gift. What you have to do is realize that what he would love. The following gift ideas you can consider to choose for the fiancé on this Christmas.

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Latest electronics

You know, all the electronic gadgets will please most men. First you should think about what they have and what they want to have. For example, if he is a photograph enthusiast, buy him professional photographic equipment which would absolutely make him excited. Or if he already has a camera, select some equipment to advance his package, extra lenses, software, and accessories are all available. There's also many other gadgets you can choose: the new released laptop or mobile phone. He may please all kinds of electronics.

Sport items

If he is into sport, something that are really great to get for him. Get him a golf club or fishing club membership maybe he always dreams. Or you can buy his favorite sports team seasonal tickets. If you can spare some of your time to enjoy the sports with him, that would be the perfect gift ideas.


As a fiancée, you may should familiar with the dressing style of him. In the Christmas season, a piece of new garment that suits his taste may surprise him. Here's suggestion is Ralph Lauren Polo. Because of this style spans a wide gap whether for business or casual. We all love to look great. For men, he also wants to show his personality in garments. Polo Ralph Lauren is a best choice for that suits his different dressing needs which actually can give your fiancé confidence about himself. In Christmas season, Ralph Lauren Polo men's hoodies and sweaters are just what exactly you may seek.

You can research the internet to find the best place to buy Ralph Lauren Polo; I have bought skirts from internet, which not only get a large amount of discounts, but also in high quality. I would rather be a smart shopper instead of someone only pursue the luxury designer labels.

Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Fiance

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Make Rubber Stamps: Comparing Methods of Manufacture

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Vulcanized Rubber Stamps

Contact Lenses

The traditional red rubber stamp that everybody is familiar with will have been manufactured in a vulcanizing press. The first rubber stamp vulcanizing press was patented in 1890 by Charles Schultze in New Orleans USA. Vulcanizing is today one of the most cost effective methods of making rubber stamps for mass produced stamps. Each batch of stamps is produced using a mould. This method of manufacture is more suited to stamp making where the same moulds are used over and over again. Making custom made stamps with a vulcanizing press requiring 'once only' moulds will drive the cost of manufacture up significantly.

Making the mould - before a mould can be made you must have a master plate manufactured from metal or polymer, the master plate has the necessary relief (the artwork is raised) to make an impression in the mould. Having a master plate made each time a mould is required is what drives up the cost of manufacture for vulcanized stamps. Pressing the master plate into a Matrix board creates the mould that will accept the rubber. Heat and pressure is applied to the master plate and matrix board inside a Vulcanizing press. The Matrix follows the shape of the relief provided by the master plate, this then hardens on cooling.

Making Rubber Stamps - Creating stamps is a simple process once the mould is made. Raw rubber stamp gum is placed on top of the mould and then placed inside the stamp press. Hydraulic pressure is placed upon the rubber and the mould from within the stamp press causing the rubber to melt into the areas of the mould that contain the images and text, curing and hardening takes about 10 minutes. Once cured the sheet of rubber is pulled away from the mould and cut up into individual stamps to be affixed to mounts.

Cost of a vulcanizing system is approximately ,000 AUD

Advantages - Low cost of production for mass produced stamps, good ink transfer.

Disadvantages - Cost of producing master plates and moulds for custom made stamps.

Laser Engraved Rubber Stamps

The traditional raw rubber used for vulcanizing stamp dies is quite unacceptable for the production of laser stamp dies, the laser process requires a very even thickness and blemish free surface to produce an acceptable printed image from a stamp die. The rubber must also be subjected to a specific curing process before it can be exposed to the elevated temperature of a laser beam.

The depth of the engraving is determined by the laser speed, its wattage and the density of the rubber. For example, a 50 or 100W engraver will engrave the rubber deeper and faster than a 25W machine, which may require a second pass to achieve a similar result. Usually supplied in an A4 size sheet form, a good quality laser rubber is required for engraving stamp dies and must also have suitable compression strength and ink transfer properties.

To assist the engraving process, it is necessary to remove the excess dust which is constantly created by the laser cutting action with an efficient exhaust filtration system. As very few, if any, CO2 laser engraving machines were initially purpose built for engraving and cutting rubber, installing and maintaining an effective dust extraction system pays long term dividends. Mirrors, lenses and any exposed bearing surfaces should be cleaned thoroughly as part of a regular maintenance program. Any neglect in this area will be detrimental to overall trouble free laser operation, as the build up of dust and residue will affect running efficiency and the quality of the finished stamp die. Lasers are controlled directly from a computer, the software drivers supplied with lasers work with many graphic programs such as CorelDraw.

Approximate cost of a 25 watt Laser suitable for stamp making is ,000

Advantages - Production is computer controlled, custom made stamps can be made easily

Disadvantages - High capital investment, maintenance costs and running will be much higher than vulcanizing or polymer methods of manufacture.

Liquid Polymer Rubber Stamps

Converting rubber stamp polymer from a liquid into a solid to make stamps is quite fascinating. Polymer stamps are manufactured between two sheets of glass using precision controlled UV light which passes through a negative containing the stamp artwork solidifying the polymer. Negative production has been simplified with the introduction of water based negative technology, photographic chemicals for producing negatives are now a thing of the past.

The first step in making polymer rubber stamps is to print your images, clipart or text onto Vellum, an almost transparent paper like film.
To produce quality stamp artwork you must use a laser printer, inks from bubble jet printers are translucent allowing UV light to pass where it should not. Water based negatives are easily washed out after being exposed for a few minutes in a UV exposure stamp machine.

Polymer contained in a sachet is now replacing the older cumbersome method of using foam tape to create a dam and pouring of rubber stamp polymers, the sachets have also addressed the age old problem of removing air bubbles from the poured polymer.

The negative of your artwork and polymer sachet is sandwiched between two sheets of glass spaced 2-3mm apart which is then exposed in the machine for a few minutes. Once you have completed the exposure it is a simple process of cutting open the sachet and washing away the excess unexposed polymer before returning the stamp die back to the machine for a 10 minute curing. Once the stamps are cured they can be cut up individually. Polymer sachets are available in a range of sizes up to A4 size.

Processing time is about 30 minutes for a batch of polymer stamps.

Cost of polymer stamp making machines range from ,500 AUD for an Australian made unit designed specifically for stamp making up to high end imported units with computer controlled washout for ,000 AUD.

Advantages - Lower capital investment, polymers make almost clear stamps making them ideal for scrapbooking and card making. Stamp relief can be easily controlled during exposure.

Disadvantages - Early polymers did not accept inks as well as polymers available today, this along with being new technology caused initial resistance to polymer stamps.


Most large stamp manufacturers have a mix of the above equipment. The unmounted rubber stamp dies produced with any of these manufacturing methods can be cut up and affixed to simple hand stamps, dater stamps or self inking stamps. Craft stamps are usually affixed to wooden blocks or in the case of polymer stamps affixed to clear acrylic blocks with adhesives or InstaGrip mounting mat. Various manufactures produces stamp mounts. Astron Industries in Australia manufacturer the clear hand stamp 'Vuestamp' and also distribute the Ideal range of self inking mounts. Other brands of self inking mounts are Trodat, Colop and Shiny.

How to Make Rubber Stamps: Comparing Methods of Manufacture

Saturday, February 18, 2012

2012 Will Be The Year Civilization Changes Forever

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Contact Lenses

[This article was first published Dec. 14, 2007. It was last updated Oct. 15, 2011. Updates are often, but not always, in brackets.]

The year 2012 marks the time that the world's old civilization will culminate. This is not to say that the world will be annihilated because the world will go on. In 2012, we will see a dramatic increase in the direct intervention of Jesus Christ as He begins to take control of governments of the world, beginning with the Government of the United States, the Parliament of Great Britain and the Government of the European Community. After Jesus unites His Western forces, He will rally them to destroy end-time Babylon and the Beast who rules over Babylon. Simultaneously, Jesus will use His Two Witnesses to unmask the Beast in front of the world audience. This act will provoke the Beast to murder the Two Witnesses of Jesus in front of a world audience.

In 2012, many Old Testament personages, including Jesus Christ, will continue their ministries in the bodies of the Two Witnesses of Jesus. The resurrected ministries of prophets will proceed to their culminations. I am speaking metaphorically.

We will see a continuation of the end-time ministries of John the Revelator, Daniel, and Elijah. Those men were to stand up again at the end of time. They will stand up in the bodies of the Two Witnesses of Jesus. Those prophets of old will be embodied in the Two Witnesses of God.


The year 2012 marks the time that Jesus directly intervenes to control affairs in the United States and Britain in order to thwart an upcoming Marxist/corporate dictatorship that would have succeeded by 2016.

[Update: A judgment period of 9 years after 2012 will lead up to the destruction of the Beast and Babylon. (The number 9 has Gematriatic meaning of "judgment.") The last 7 years (2015-2021) in this judgment period are the years of the "Great Tribulation." The number 7 has Gematriatic meaning of "complete." Judgment Day would follow in the year 2021 AD. In 2022 AD, Western forces will execute complete judgment on end-time Babylon.]

When the Beast and those who believe in the bestial way of life, murder God's Two Witnesses, the bestial world will culminate. The Old World of bestial conduct will soon after be annihilated.

The great turnaround of 2012 is associated with the 2012 Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth. This could be understood in the way that prisms and camera lenses work. When the world is focused into a camera lens, it is reduced to nothing. But, out of the other side of the lens the world is projected upside down.

Actually, our present world is upside down. The world that comes after 2012 will be right side up because the Beast and the bestial way of life will be identified. As a result, the world would be determined to destroy of the Beast and Babylon. The world would finally get the picture in a metaphoric sense.


Queen Elizabeth's diamond in 2012 is such a prism. That was why Freemasons honored her Diamond Jubilee. The Washington Monument was built, in part, as a prophecy of her 2012 Diamond Jubilee. The aluminum cap on the monument represents Queen Elizabeth's diamond.

Freemasons expressed their prophecies in a calendar. On their calendar, Masons drew a diamond that identified the year of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. Bear in mind that this calendar is 200 years old and probably thousands of years old.


There is a gap between our present world and the New World. This gap represents the 3 days that the Two Witnesses of Jesus would lie dead in the streets. The Two Witnesses of God will stand in the gap between the wrath of God and the world.


After three days, God's Two Witnesses will be sparked back to life. They will stand up and shock the world. These two individuals will be the first people to enter into the new world that God is creating. They are the new Adam and Eve, and those who follow them are their spiritual children.


6,000 years prior to these end-time events, the first Adam and Eve had been created. The difference between the first Adam and Eve and the Adam and Eve of our time is that our Adam and Eve will reject the Beast. In the Garden of Eden, the first Adam and Eve submitted to the Beast, whose imposing reptilian body was genetically re-engineered by God to have the form of a lowly dirt-eating snake. The world suffered 6,000 years as a result of the choice of the first Adam and Eve to follow the Beast. Our Two Witnesses will be murdered because they will NOT submit to the Beast in the tree of Babylonian civilization.

You are probably thinking that God's Two Witnesses are men. This is correct in the sense that they complete the prophetic works of the two prophets, Daniel and John. Remember that God told both those men that they would return to do their work in the end-time? Metaphorically speaking, those two prophets have returned as God's Two Witnesses.


The Two Witnesses of God had been prophesied by animal sacrifices. On the Day of Pentecost, two unblemished lambs were sacrificed. Unlike those male animals that represented Jesus Christ, the lambs of Pentecost were either gender, male or female.

People have had a hard time with the sacrifice of a female animal because they assume that every sacrifice represented the male Jesus Christ. They had no way of knowing that Old Testament Israelites had been acting out the end-time sacrifice, by the Church, of one of God's Two Witnesses who would be the mother of God's new world. That lamb would be female. It will be the Church that sacrifices/murders the Two Lambs of God. That is why the female lamb was sacrificed on the Day of Pentecost. Pentecost was the day that the Christian Church was created on.

However, a male lamb could be sacrificed for this lady because she represents a male prophet. This understanding could have been why Leonardo da Vinci portrayed John the Revelator as a woman in his mysterious painting of the Last Supper. Leonardo understood that John's end-time counterpart would be an end-time Eve, one of God's Two Witnesses and a female lamb of God.


You might ask why you have never heard about God's Two Witnesses. The answer is that they have been ignored since 1991, when they began their 21-year ministry.

You remember that Elijah was taken to Heaven after he completed his ministry. The ministry of Jesus ended in the midst of a week. However, Jesus would return through His Two Witnesses in order to complete that week. Likewise, Elijah would return. Jesus would complete His week as a prophetic week, which became a span of 7 years rather than 7 days. Jesus would complete the remaining 1260 days of that week of years through His Two Witnesses.

God's Two Witnesses would also do a 21-year ministry, which would normally end in 2012 AD when they would be age 66 (Jesus was age 33). However, Jesus would use them to CONTINUE His work, and the work of Elijah, through His Two Witnesses.

Elijah had worked to overthrown evil Ahab and an evil son of Ahab. We could identify Ahab and his treacherous wife, Jezebel, with our present-day national leaders. The similarity is obvious.

AGES 33 & 66

God's Two Witnesses have a ministry that is similar to the ministries of Elijah and Jesus, because they are part of the work of end-time Elijah (God works through more than one person in order to do the end-time work of Elijah). Normally, God's Two Witnesses would be murdered at age 66, after 21 years of doing their Father's business. That would be because Jesus was murdered at age 33, after His 21-year ministry. Similarly, Elijah went to Heaven after his ministry. However, Jesus will have CONTINUED His ministry, and the ministry of Elijah, through His Two Witnesses. In a sense, Jesus and Elijah would continue where they left off.

Here is the concept: Jesus who went to Heaven at age 33. His end-time work would return through His Two Witnesses when they reached age 33. Jesus then raised them during the following 33 years, until His Two Witnesses would be age 66 in 2012 AD.

In 2012 AD, Jesus would repeat His ministry through them. In time, Jesus would be executed a second time when the Church executes His Two Witnesses.

The ministry of the prophet Elisha followed the ministry of the prophet Elijah. Jesus would do an end-time work of Elisha after He did an end-time work of Elijah.

The end-time ministry of Elisha would coincide with the 70th week of years that Daniel referred to. That week of years would be the Great Tribulation, 2015 to 2021 AD. Jesus would complete the Great Tribulation as an end-time Elisha.

The last 1260 days of the lives of God's Two Witnesses would be increasingly intense and their work would culminate with their executions by the Beast who ascends out of the Bottomless Pit of political obscurity.


It is IMPOSSIBLE for Christians who reject the Two Witnesses of Jesus to receive eternal life, because they will have crucified Jesus a second time. Notice that this warning is in Hebrew 6:6, which has verse numbers of 66. These numbers refer to people who follow the Beast. Those Church members who follow the Beast, rather than the Two Witnesses of Jesus, have fallen away, and have crucified Jesus a second time. They may not crucify Jesus a second time and expect to receive eternal life.

(Hebrew 6:6)... them who have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame.

Everyone in the world hated Jesus. He had no allies. His friends deserted Him. The religious establishment hated Him more others because He threatened their income and glory.

The ministry of God's Two Witnesses is described in Revelation 11 as a repetition of the ministry of Jesus Christ in some ways. We would rightly assume that the world establishment would also hate the Two Witnesses of Jesus- and for the same reasons that it hated Jesus.

You might ask why the religious establishment is not carefully listening for God's Two Witnesses. The truth is that it has no desire to meet God's Two Witnesses. YOUR religious leader absolutely does not want anything to do with Jesus and His Two Witnesses. Lukewarm religious leaders of the end time are using religion for their financial and egotistical benefits- just as Jesus said that they would be.

Jesus prophesied this very situation in parable. For example, Jesus said that religious leaders would be abusing the children of God. Abuse and exploitation is commonplace today. The homeless live in cardboard boxes outside the mansion gates of millionaire ministers. Poor believers struggle to support the comfortable lifestyles of Church leaders with tithes and offerings that would otherwise pay their bills and feed their children.

In His Book of Revelation, Jesus describes the Whore of Babylon who drinks the lifeblood of the saints out of a Communion cup. This is an apt description of modern-day Televangelists and other millionaire Church leaders. Instead of serving the children of God, ministers have the children of God serving them. This is the opposite of the example that was set by Jesus and His Apostles.

Jesus said in parable that ministers would be so busy with their religious businesses (bringing in money); they would reject Christ's invitation to His Wedding Feast. Many ministers are millionaires and/or wealthy nowadays. The last thing they want is to be Christ-like because they would need to give up their empires.

Too many ministers live lifestyles that are completely against the teachings of Jesus. It is all too obvious why most religious leaders of today do not want Jesus to actually return. It is all too obvious why lukewarm Laodicean ministers intentionally divert the attention of their lukewarm followers away from God's Two Witnesses, who, in stark contrast, are dressed in the sackcloth of poverty and humility.


At the time that Jesus came to earth as a human 2,000 years ago; the religious establishment believed that it was to be made into a great kingdom. People of God wanted to be greater than people of the Roman Empire were (talk about class envy). Jesus said that they would not be made into the rich and egotistical kingdom that they desired. So, the Church denounced Jesus as an imposter and murdered Him.

Today, the Church wants to be made into the Kingdom of God. Christians want to be raptured to positions of wealth and power so that they can lord over others. Like Jesus, God's Two Witnesses will tell them they will not be in God's Kingdom. Predictably, the Church will denounce them as imposters and murder them. We read in Scripture that God will retaliate against the lukewarm Church, just as He retaliated against the Temple in 70 AD by sending red Roman armies to destroy it. (In the time of Jesus, Babylon was the Roman Empire.)

Jesus wept because He foresaw that red Roman armies would destroy the Temple because it rejected Him. Likewise, God's Two Witnesses are distressed to foresee that Red armies will destroy the Church because it will have reject them and their life-saving warning about the worship of the Beast. Their profound message is that no Christian who follows the Beast, or is predatorial like beasts are, will receive eternal life. God would destroy those incorrigible members of the Church, just as He had destroyed those incorrigible members of the Temple. Predictably, death awaits predatorial religious leaders and their followers if they no not heed this end-time warning from God through His Two Witnesses.


The main importance of 2012 as far as you are concerned is that you could begin your 9-year journey to the Rapture.

God's Two Witnesses have information that could lead to your eternal life. It is the identity and basic character of the Beast. They know his identity because they identified his Mark. The Mark is not 666. God has used 666 as a diversion and a way to seal unwanted people out of understanding. God does not want incorrigible sinners to cheat during their 9-year judgment, 2012 to 2021.

If you humble yourself to learn the identity of the Beast, you could examine his personality, character and behavior. You could compare yourself to him. If you found a match, then you would realize that you would need to change in order to be ready for Judgment Day.

Do not despair because everybody has a match. Your Bible says that, the whole world follows the Beast. However, you may not continue to follow the Beast.


Yes, you presently follow the Beast, just as Jesus said. However, you could make changes by repenting and altering your mindset and behavior. The first word out of the mouths of men who preached the gospel was REPENT. You must measure yourself against the Beast and make the necessary changes.

In order to assure your success, you need to receive the Spirit of God through baptism. On your own, you cannot change from your bestial state. It is impossible. Only the Holy Spirit can convert you into the Godly state.

After you make the necessary changes, you would no longer follow the Beast. You would be headed toward eternal life as either a resurrected person or a raptured person at the return of Jesus in 2022 AD.

In summation, the year 2012 is the most important year in your life if you desire to have eternal life. If you do not, then it is just another year. Oblivion awaits you at death.


If you want to stop following the Beast, learn his identity so that you can begin the process of change that leads to eternal life.

In our featured book, there is research that will identify the Beast. It will take you back through 2,000 years of Bible translation history in order to re-discover the original Mark of the Beast. This is the oil of the Two Olive Trees, which true Church leaders are destined to use to enlighten the way to eternal life.

You will reconstruct the Mark of the Beast as you go back through English, Greek and Aramaic. Then you will see the original Mark and the original words that John used to describe the Mark. Those words are not the current words in the King James Bible. And, the Mark was not 666.

Why is it that none have done this before? Simply stated, most people are lazy. There have been very few people who intensely study the Bible as independent researchers. Rather than study, they made up theories about he Beast that are diversionary.

After you learn what the Mark of the Beast is, you will advance through Daniel and Revelation and understand verses of prophecy for the first time. If you do not first learn the identity of the original and real Mark of the Beast, this would be impossible.


Daniel and John wrote complementary versions of world history. Their accounts show how the world is like a tree. That tree is Babylon. The whole world has been part of Babylonian culture. Dictatorship is the primary characteristic of Babylon.

God intervened twice in world civilization to set up an alternative to Babylonian culture. The first intervention was at the time of Moses. Through Moses, God set up the Israelite nation with a libertarian form of government. The second and most important intervention by God was the founding of the representative government of the United States. It was originally libertarian.

God is now taking total control of the world through the export of representative governance from the United States and other representative nations. Europe and the USA make up His base of operation.


The Battle of Armageddon is the final crushing defeat of Babylonian culture. God will use the military might of Western nations to annihilate the last vestiges of Babylon, including communist and terrorist nations. Some Muslim nations will be severely reduced in population because they have remained dictatorial in government and religion. They hold on to their Babylonian past.

Red China would ultimately be defeated. Marxists in the old Soviet Union will lead their people and their allies to a disastrous confrontation with Europe and the USA. Needless to say, God is on the side of representative government.

On a personal level, God is against individuals who are dictatorial in character. So a weeding process will occur whereby angels will seek out such individuals for death. Remember the parable of the tares. There will be no place for weeds to hide.

Our featured book could allow you to see things in the Bible that you would not see through any other book.


In your Bible, you will be able to identify Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Saddam Hussein, Milosevic, Tony Blair, Margaret Thatcher, Gorbachev, Schwarzkopf and other world leaders. You will be able to see events that include the Persian wars and Armageddon. With prophecy calendars, you will be able to see the years that these events were scheduled to occur in.

You could also learn personal information about God's Two Witnesses, which includes the day that Gabriel first visited them in 1991. Gabriel describes the merciless beatings that Satan has given them in his attempt to prevent their upcoming ministry.

Forefather prophecy calendars are natural complements to our books about God's Two Witnesses. Our calendars give dates, while our books tell you what will happen and why it will happen.


The why part is an examination of the very heart and mind of God Himself. You could have a very personal understanding of God, whom you are a replicate of. You could know how the brain of God works. You could know how the emotions of God work. If you need a father figure, why not take on the attributes of God the Father?


After you learn what and why of 6,000 years of world civilization, you will need to know when end-time events will occur. This is the value of our prophecy calendars. They give dates. You do not want to be in a city that has ICBM's aimed at it.

I hope this article has given you a panoramic view of end-time years that includes the year 2012. I hope that you see the spiritual significance of upcoming events that have been prophesied for thousands of years.

2012 Will Be The Year Civilization Changes Forever

Friday, February 17, 2012

Pros and Cons Of Photochromic Lenses

Contact Lenses Contact Lenses

Transition Lenses

Contact Lenses

Transitions is actually a brand name of a Photocromic Lens. Although transitions are probably the most advanced photochromic lens on the market there are many others out there.

People call Photochromic lenses by all different kinds of names such as Transitions, Reactolite, Reactions and I've even heard them called Graduations. However, they are all Photo chromic lenses.

Photochromic lenses are clear lenses that react with UV and produce a tint effect based on the amount of UV present.

When wearing Photochromic lenses even a dull day some reaction will occur producing a very pale tint and then on a very bright day where more UV is present they will turn quite dark. When wearing them indoors they will become clear.

The idea behind photochromic lenses is that they will provide the correct amount of protection for the varying light conditions you experience. However, when driving, your car windscreen will block a certain amount of UV which is required to make the lens react so they will not work as well as they would outside of the car.

The Two Most Common Photocromic Lenses

Transitions Lenses

Transitions are available in Standard Plastic, Poly Carbonate, 1.6 and 1.67 Lenses. They are the fastest reacting lens on the market and will react into sunglasses within 30 seconds. However, they will take longer than that to go clear again when you go inside.

Reactolite Lenses

Reactolite is a brand name given to a Glass photochromic lens. They do not react as well as the transitions and are much heavier to wear. However, one good thing about glass reactolite is that they work much better behind a car windscreen than the transitions do. (If only we could have the best of both worlds.)

In most cases the Transitions lens is the preferred option due to the over all comfort and performance.

Photocromic lenses are ideal in the sense that they can save you having to purchase two pairs of glasses ie, Clear glasses and a pair of Sunglasses. However, many people who wear transitions also have a cheaper tinted pair just to use in the car.

Pros and Cons Of Photochromic Lenses

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Contacts Without Prescription From Canada

Contact Lenses Contact Lenses

So you wear contact lenses and want to renew your supply without getting a new prescription?

Contact Lenses

You are not alone. Many people ask that very question: where can you buy contacts without a current prescription?

The first thing to point out might be obvious. You can get just about anything you want on the internet and that includes contact lenses. A better question to ask might be how can you do this legally? Sites operating legitimately are not so easy to find and there is a good reason for this. In many parts of the world it is illegal to buy or sell lenses if an up to date eye prescription is not involved. We'll have a look at where Canada stands on this issue shortly.

Why are the laws so strict? Although you might think that you should be allowed to do what you like with your eyes, many governments think they know best. Like it or not, that's the way it is. Even if you don't like being told how to run your life, looking after your eyes is not a bad thing to do. In fact, it's very sensible. You only have one pair of eyes and they can easily be damaged by substandard or unsuitable lenses so it pays to take the trouble to get checked out properly and to get an up to date prescription for your contacts.

If you're determined to get contact lenses without a prescription, let's look at your options and in particular, why Canada always seems to feature in such discussions.

It turns out that as far as prescription contacts go, that is, lenses designed to correct vision, Canada is no different from much of the rest of the world. Lenses are considered to be medical devices and a current prescription is needed. Not only to buy lenses but also for Canadian outlets to sell to people outside Canada.

There is just one exception to this, and that is cosmetic lenses. Lenses which do not correct vision. This will usually mean colored lenses of one sort or another. These are not medical devices, currently, and they may be bought without the need of a prescription.

That said, although you can buy contacts from Canada without a prescription, it is always recommended that the advice of an optician is obtained first of all, to make sure that your eyes are suited to wearing contacts and ideally, to get a prescription and proper advice about what lenses to get.

Armed with that information, by all means go ahead and get your contacts from Canada.

Contacts Without Prescription From Canada

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cheap Colored Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses Contact Lenses

Colored contact lenses are exactly like regular contacts, but they give the illusion of a new eye color. Colored contact lenses come at cheap rates, yet in wide ranges. They can be discarded after using for a week or two. Also, one can change color combinations in accordance with the outfit and occasions.

Contact Lenses

Cosmetic Fresh look contact lenses that change eye color are on sale for .95 a pair. For even greater savings, there are packages for festive occasions. Purchase three pairs or more and you will receive two free pairs, for a savings of .90. There are other handy price combinations as well. These contact lenses can be of the same color, or different. With each order, the dealers offer a sample colored contact lens for trial purposes.

Colors and color blends are designed to change even the darkest eye color. Opaque lenses can block the natural color of the eyes. They are designed to enhance or add color to light-colored eyes. For the lowest price, one can purchase Wild Eyes contact lenses around Halloween. These special-effect lenses usually go on sale at that time of the year. They are very comfortable to wear. These novelty lenses come in a variety of crazy designs such as white, black, red, vampire, and cat eyes for those special effects or a theatrical costume.

Make-up suggestions are also available with dealers. Depending on the skin tones and the color of the contact lenses, these make-up suggestions will enhance one's look. However, cheap lenses might not meet the quality requirements of the user.

Cheap Colored Contact Lenses

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

6 Steps to Better Decision Making

Contact Lenses Contact Lenses

Decision making is a key role for any manager or leader. Surprisingly many people struggle when it comes to taking decisions. This might be due to:

Contact Lenses

o Fear of failure

o Lack of a structured approach

o Procrastinating

o Lack of clarity

Whatever the barriers, there are 6 steps that you can follow when taking any decision.

1. Problem Definition

Before you can start to take any decisions, you need to be absolutely clear the problem you are trying to reach a decision on. One simple technique is just to write out in a sentence what the problem is that you need to take a decision on.

2. Assess the implications

All decisions have implications. If it is a decision at work, it has implications for you, your peers, your team and your superiors. Depending on the decision (e.g. a promotion at work) it may even have implications for your family, especially if it involves relocation.

3. Explore different perspectives

Perspectives are simply different lenses through which you look at the problem. By exploring different perspectives you start to get a feel for those that you are most attracted to.

4. Get clear on your ideal outcome

When you are faced with a big decision, it is easy to get lost in the detail and circumstances. An alternative is to get clear on your ideal outcome and use this ideal outcome to inform your choices. Imagine you aspire to be a CFO of a Top 100 company. By having clarity on your outcome, you can make choices on promotions and experience linked to this ideal outcome.

5. Weigh up pros and cons

Another way of looking at a decision is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options open to you. Simply listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option is a powerful way of moving forward on decisions.

6. Decide and act

Once you have gone through the previous 5 steps, commit to a choice or course of action and start to make it happen. To avoid procrastination, give yourself permission to be okay with any failings that might arise.

At the end of the day there is no magic formula for decision making. Following some simple steps and acting can however move you into the realm of effective decision maker.

6 Steps to Better Decision Making